
Dont know since when

我的個人連絡資料是 Blog and MSN
my personal contact data are my blog web site and MSN mail address

no more telephone number

新認識的朋友 開始要我的Blog
New friends asked for my blog

they want to share my tour article

Dont know since when

新認識的朋友 開始要我的MSN
New friends asked for my MSN mail adress

三不五時上線時 哈啦個2句
We chatted some times when we were on line

市內電話 早已被遺忘了
Land phone is forgot

而家裡的電話 已不記得有多久沒有人打給我了
Don remember when is the last time people called land phone to me

手機 曾經取代了市內電話的功能
Cell phone insteaded of land phone

但不知何時開始 已被 MSN 取代了
Since when Msn insteads of CELL PHONE

只在msn 找不到我時
Only when people can not find me through MSN

Friends will call me

而msn 卻成為我生活中人際關係連絡工具的一部份
MSN becomes a bridge to connect with this social with the other people

Lots of detail were confirmed there

許多的心情故事也透過文字 傳達給朋友分享
Lot of story were written to share with friends

曾經在蘭嶼時 有10天沒上MSN
There were 10days no MSN when i was in Lanyu

朋友開始在想念我了 狂發訊息及打手機給我 問我好不好

Friends sent me the MMS and called my cell phone to ask me
how are you ?
是否再更久了 朋友會因我沒有msn 而遺忘了我...

would friends forget me without MSN longer

時代的改變 ...人們的習慣一直在變
Time is changing , people's way are changing

小時候用的電話本 現在又有幾多人在用呢

the phone books which i used when i was akid
How many people are using it ?

    創作者 cindyweng 的頭像

    Cindy Weng

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